Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Rolling and tying the pork belly decreases its surface area, which helps the meat retain moisture during the long cooking time.
  • Leaving the rind on the pork belly insulates the meaty interior further and forms a pleasantly soft, gelatinous layer.
  • Braising the pork belly in a pan set in a 275°F (135°C) oven with the lid left slightly ajar keeps the braising liquid at 180-190°F (82-87°C), which ensures that the meat does not overcook.

We've talked abouttonkotsu ramen brothandmarinated soft-boiled eggs. Today is all about what is perhaps my favorite part of a bowl of ramen: the tender, salty, sweet, fatty, melt-in-your-mouth slices of braised pork belly known aschashu. It's a component of a perfect bowl of ramen that's all-too-often overlooked at restaurants. Dry, stringy, or chalky chashu tends to be the norm, but when a place really nails it, it can elevate a great bowl of ramen to a transcendent one. Transcendent is what we're after here.

Japanese chashu gets its name from the bright red Chinese barbecued pork known aschar siu—you know, the stuff you see hanging in windows or stuffed into steamedbao?—and it probably came to Japan from China around the same time that ramen itself did. But like ramen, it's undergone some major alterations over the centuries. Unlike char siu, which is made by painting slices of pork shoulder with a thick, sweet marinade and roasting it, Japanese chashu is a simmered dish made with pork belly.

The question: What separates the bad chashu from the good, the good chashu from the great, and how do we recreate the best at home?

Basic Shaping

The first question is how to shape our pork belly before simmering it. Many home recipes for chashu are simplified and just cook the pork belly as a flat slab rather than rolling it. Indeed, many restaurants serve slabs of chashu instead or rolls. If you eat a lot of ramen, you've probably also noticed thatrolled chashu is usually (but not always) moister and juicier than its more slabby counterpart.

Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (1)

This is no coincidence. See, when braising meats, there are a few different elements at play. Time and temperature are the most important, and we'll get to those in a moment, but surface area-to-volume ratio also plays a role. The more exposed surface a piece of meat has, the faster it cooks, and the more easily it loses moisture. And of course, the more moisture it loses, the dryer it becomes.

You might ask, "But doesn't cooking it in a moist environment keep it, well moist?" In fact, no. The amount of moisture a piece of meat loses almost entirely depends on the final temperature to which it's cooked to. With a flat slab of meat, there's simply more meat getting cooked to a higher temperature than in a rolled piece of meat.

With two identical pieces of pork belly, I found that cooking flat vs. rolled led to a good 18% more moisture loss. That's a significant difference!

What about rind on vs. off? It's up to you, but given enough cooking time, pork rind gets delightfully soft and gelatinous. It's also worth noting that skin is an insulator—that's one of its primary biological functions, after all—and it does an equally good job of it on a live pig as it does on a piece of rolled pork belly, making sure that the meat inside receives even, gentle heat.

TL/DR:Roll your rind-on pork belly. Secure with string. Good to go.

On Simmering

When simmering or braising meats, the goal is for your final product to be both moist and tender. Unfortunately, the cooking processes that lead to these ultimate goals are at odds with each other. See, themoistness of meat is dependent upon the final temperature it is cooked to. The hotter you cook it, the dryer it becomes. Take a look at this chart.

Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (2)

Moisture loss in meat is a nearly instantaneous process that's dependent on how much muscle fibers contract, which in turn is dependent on the temperature they are heated to. Heat a piece of meat up to 205°F (96°C), and moisture will get squeezed out like a tube of toothpaste. Just like a tube of toothpaste, that moisture is very very difficult to get back in once it's been squeezed out.

At the same time,tenderness is dependent upon cooking time. See, to turn tough cuts like pork belly tender, you have to break down connective tissue—mainly collagen—into softer molecules—mainly gelatin. This takes time.

The key is that the time it takes is also dependent upon cooking temperature. So keep your meat at 200°F (93°C), and it might take only a couple hours to reach tenderness. But of course, it'll also be hopelessly dry by then.

Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (3)

Cook your meat at, say, 155°F (68°C), and you'll get extraordinarily moist meat, but it'll takeup to 36 hours to tenderize. If you happen to have a sous-vide water cooker, this is, indeed, the best way to cook pork belly (see my post ondeep-fried, sous-vide, 36-hour, all-belly porchettafor a discussion of the process). If you don't have one, your best bet is to use heat up your cooking liquid on the stovetop, but do the actual cooking in a low temperature oven, which provides a more even, gentler form of heat.

275°F (135°C) is about the lowest temperature my oven can reliably keep, which translates to an in-the-pot liquid temperature of between 180°F and 190°F (82-87°C) so long as the lid is kept ever-so-slightly ajar (this reduces vapor pressure on the liquid, letting it steam and cool down—liquid will stay about 10°F cooler in a cracked pot vs. a tightly lidded one). At this temperature, the pork takes about three and a half hours to get as tender as I like it.


Flavorings are pretty straightforward and classic. I use a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, sake, and sugar, with garlic, ginger, scallions, and a shallot or two thrown in. I heat it over the stovetop, add the pork, then finish it all in the oven.

What emerges a few hours later is this:

Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (4)

Looks ridiculous, right?And it is. But wait! Don't try to cut into it straight away! Not only will you end up mangling your pork (if you cooked it right, it'll be soft enough to cut with a spoon and impossible to slice into even pieces), but you'll be robbing yourself of both moisture and flavor.

I know. The temptation to dig in right when it comes out of the oven is overwhelming. But good pork comes to those who wait. Let the pork cool down in its own cooking liquid in the fridge overnight and it'll not only come out more intensely flavored and moister, but chilled pork is also much easier to slice.

The Best Way to Reheat Chashu Pork

Only thing left to do is to warm up those slices before serving them in your ramen. There are a few approaches you can take.

Method 1: In the Soup

The lazy man's method, and a perfectly legitimate one. Just lay the slices in the hot soup just before serving, and in the time it takes to get the bowl from the kitchen to the table, it'll be hot, soft, and ready to eat.

Method 2: In the Cooking Liquid

An improved method which will add some great flavor to your slices. You may have noticed that after your pork is cooked, you end up with a ton of tasty liquid. You can, of course, use this liquid tomarinate soft boiled eggs. It's also a tasty way to reheat your pork. Simmering the slices in the liquid for just a few seconds will heat them up and allow the liquid to soak into the inner surfaces, giving them more flavor all around.

Method 3: With a Torch

Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (5)

If you really want to go all-out, after simmering the slices, you can take a blowtorch to them (don't use those weak kitchen crème brûlée torches, go for an actual propane torch from a hardware store) to add charred flavor and crisp, crackly bits. This is the trick you pull out to seal the deal when that really cuteIron Chef fan finally agrees to let you cook them dinner.

Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (6)

Mmmmm... charred pork...

Now would you please excuse me while I go off in the corner to salivate in peace?Arigato.

The only question remaining is what to do with leftover chashu, and it's an easy one to answer: Make pork belly buns.

March 2012

Recipe Details

Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe

Prep10 mins

Cook3 hrs 5 mins

Active60 mins

Chilling Time12 hrs

Total15 hrs 15 mins

Serves6to 8 servings


  • 2-pound slab of boneless pork belly, skin-on

  • 1/2 cup soy sauce

  • 1 cup sake

  • 1 cup mirin

  • 1/2 cup sugar

  • 6 scallions, roughly chopped

  • 6 whole garlic cloves

  • One 2-inch knob ginger, roughly sliced

  • 1 whole shallot, split in half (skin on)


  1. Lay pork belly on cutting board and roll up lengthwise, with skin facing out.

    Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (7)

  2. Using butchers twine, tightly secure pork belly at 3/4-inch intervals.

    Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (8)

  3. Preheat oven to 275°F (135°C). Heat 1 cup water, soy sauce, sake, mirin, sugar, scallions, garlic, ginger, and shallot in a medium saucepan over high heat until boiling. Add pork belly (it won't be submerged). Cover with a lid left slightly ajar. Transfer to oven and cook, turning pork occasionally, until pork is fully tender and a cake tester or thin knife inserted into its center meets little resistance, 3 to 4 hours. Transfer contents to a sealed container and refrigerate until completely cool.

    Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (9)

  4. When ready to serve, remove pork belly and strain broth. Reserve broth for another use (like making ajitsuke tamago). Slice pork belly into thin rounds (it might help to cut it in half lengthwise first).

    Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (10)

  5. Reheat pork belly slices in soup broth with noodles and other garnishes. Alternatively, heat a small amount of reserved broth in a skillet and heat pork slices in broth until hot or reheat with a blowtorch, charring its surface. Serve.

    Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (11)

Special Equipment


Read More

  • Rich and Creamy Tonkotsu Ramen Broth Recipe
  • Pressure Cooker Pork Belly Chashu Recipe
  • Sous Vide Pork Shoulder Chashu Recipe
  • Reverse-Seared Roast Pork Shoulder Chashu Recipe
  • Soft-Boiled Eggs for Ramen Recipe
  • Japanese
  • Dairy-free Mains
  • Pork Belly
  • Pork Mains
Chashu Pork (Marinated Braised Pork Belly for Tonkotsu Ramen) Recipe (2024)


What is the difference between pork belly and pork chashu? ›

Chashu pork is a popular ramen topping throughout Japan. It's made by slowly braising pork belly to make it melt-in-your-mouth tender.

What cut of pork is used for tonkotsu ramen? ›

Tonkotsu ramen is a Japanese noodle soup made with a pork bone broth—ton means pork and kotsu means bone. When collagen-rich pig parts like pork trotters and neck bones are cooked in water over high heat, the collagen in the connective tissue transforms into gelatin, which gives bone broth its silky texture.

What is tonkotsu ramen with chashu? ›

Tonkotsu ramen is an excellent introduction to Japanese noodle soups. Deeply flavoured tonkotsu pork broth, ramen noodles and chashu pork belly come together to create comfort in a bowl.

What is chashu sauce made of? ›

Chashu Pork Ingredients

For the braising liquid, you'll need soy sauce, water, sugar, garlic, ginger, and spring onions, as well as mirin, a type of rice wine that's similar to sake. If you can't find mirin, you can use sake and add a little extra sugar to the sauce.

How long should you braise pork belly? ›

Depending on the size and thickness of the cut and the temperature, pork belly can take 2-3 hours to cook. It's important to cook the meat on low to medium heat for the best results.

Why is pork belly so expensive? ›

It goes back to the elementary lessons of supply and demand. According to market analysis, pork bellies' supply is tight. The latest Cold Storage report by the USDA shows stocks of frozen bellies at a record low.

What makes tonkotsu broth creamy? ›

Keeping the broth at a low, rolling boil ensures that the released fat and particulate matter emulsifies in the broth, which makes the broth opaque and creamy.

What is the difference between tonkatsu and tonkotsu ramen? ›

In truth, tonkatsu and tonkotsu are very different. The main similarity is that they both feature pork: Ton translates to pig or pork. But the dishes differ: Tonkatsu refers to crispy fried pork cutlets, while tonkotsu is a type of ramen made from bone broth.

What part of pork is best for tonkatsu? ›

Pork – There are two cuts of meat we typically use for this dish: pork loin (ロース rōsu) or tenderloin/fillet (ヒレ hire). Both cuts are fairly lean, but pork loin has a layer of fat that gives the Tonkatsu an extra tender bite when cooked properly.

What broth is used in tonkotsu ramen? ›

Tonkotsu ramen is a deliciously creamy pork bone broth traditionally served up with long thin noodles and topped with a variety of ingredients. In Japanese, the word ton translates to pork and kotsu to bone.

Why is tonkotsu ramen so good? ›

A Fine Soup for Fine Noodles

Word soon spread, and it wasn't long before other stalls started cooking up the delicious soup. Tonkotsu soup is made by boiling pork bones for a long period of time. This draws out the umami flavor and converts the collagen to gelatin to give the soup that rich, creamy texture.

Why is tonkotsu ramen so popular? ›

It's steeped for hours. There's no denying that a standout aspect of Tonkotsu ramen is its strong flavour. Pork bones are steeped in the broth for hours on high heat, turning the collagen from the bones into delicious gelatine.

How long does chashu marinade last? ›

You can keep this marinade in the fridge for about 4 days before using. Once you marinate the chashu and cook it, you can strain all the solid ingredients and discard them. Place the remaining marinade in the fridge until the fat forms at the top.

What is the chashu topping in ramen? ›

Chashu is a traditional ramen topping that's very common in the standard Japanese bowl of ramen. It's made with pork belly that's rolled and braised in a flavorful mix of mirin, sake, sugar, and soy sauce. Once it's cooked, it's allowed to cool and then sliced finely before serving.

Why is Chashu pork red? ›

The red color of char siu traditionally comes from red fermented bean curd, or lam yuh. It doesn't give a very bright, vibrant red, but more of a natural redwood-looking hue. To get a very vibrant red color, most Chinese BBQ stalls add red food coloring.

What is pork belly called in America? ›

In American cuisine, bacon is most often made from pork bellies. Salt pork is made from pork bellies also, which is commonly used for making soups and stews.

Is chashu a shoulder or belly? ›

Unlike char siu, which is made by painting slices of pork shoulder with a thick, sweet marinade and roasting it, Japanese chashu is a simmered dish made with pork belly.

Is char siu the same as pork belly? ›

Succulent pork belly marinated in a sweet and sticky Malaysian-style sauce, then grilled or roasted to perfection for a delicious and flavorful meal.

What is the difference between pork belly and pork? ›

Pork is what happens to a pig if it is killed and cut up for food. Belly meat is the fattest cut of pork, its fat content is up to 30%. Cooked in the oven or over a grill it develops the most delicious (and unhealthy) crunchy crust!


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.