Entropy - Encyclopedia of Mathematics (2024)

An information-theoretical measure of the degree of indeterminacy of a random variable. If $ \xi $is a discrete random variable defined on a probability space $ ( \Omega , \mathfrak A , {\mathsf P} ) $and assuming values $ x _ {1} , x _ {2} \dots $with probability distribution $ \{ {p _ {k} } : {1 , 2 ,\dots } \} $, $ p _ {k} = {\mathsf P} \{ \xi = x _ {k} \} $, then the entropy is defined by the formula

$$ \tag{1 }H ( \xi ) = - \sum_{k=1} ^ \infty p _ {k} \mathop{\rm log} p _ {k} $$

(here it is assumed that $ 0 \mathop{\rm log} 0 = 0 $). The base of the logarithm can be any positive number, but as a rule one takes logarithms to the base 2 or $ e $, which corresponds to the choice of a bit or a nat (natural unit) as the unit of measurement.

If $ \xi $and $ \eta $are two discrete random variables taking values $ x _ {1} , x _ {2} \dots $and $ y _ {1} , y _ {2} \dots $with probability distributions $ \{ {p _ {k} } : {k = 1 , 2 ,\dots } \} $and $ \{ {q _ {j} } : {j = 1 , 2 ,\dots } \} $, and if $ \{ {p _ {k\mid } j } : {k = 1 , 2 , . . . } \} $is the conditional distribution of $ \xi $assuming that $ \eta = y _ {j} $, $ j = 1 , 2 \dots $then the (mean) conditional entropy $ H ( \xi \mid \eta ) $of $ \xi $given $ \eta $is defined as

$$ \tag{2 }H ( \xi \mid \eta ) = - \sum_{j=1} ^ \infty q _ {j} \sum_{k=1} ^ \infty p _ {k\mid } j \mathop{\rm log} p _ {k\mid } j .$$

Let $ \xi = \{ {\xi _ {k} } : {k = \dots, - 1 , 0 , 1 ,\dots } \} $be a stationary process with discrete time and discrete space of values such that $ H ( \xi _ {1} ) < \infty $. Then the entropy (more accurately, the mean entropy) $ \overline{H}\; ( \xi ) $of this stationary process is defined as the limit

$$ \tag{3 }\overline{H}\; ( \xi ) = \lim\limits _ {n \rightarrow \infty } \frac{1}{n}H ( \xi ^ {n} ) ,$$

where $ H ( \xi ^ {n} ) $is the entropy of the random variable $ \xi ^ {n} = ( \xi _ {1} \dots \xi _ {n} ) $. It is known that the limit on the right-hand side of (3) always exists and that

$$ \tag{4 }\overline{H}\; ( \xi ) = \lim\limits _ {n \rightarrow \infty } H( \xi _ {n} \mid \xi _ {1} \dots \xi _ {n-} 1 ) ,$$

where $ H ( \xi _ {n} \mid \xi _ {1} \dots \xi _ {n-} 1 ) $is the conditional entropy of $ \xi _ {n} $given $ \xi ^ {n-} 1 = ( \xi _ {1} \dots \xi _ {n-} 1 ) $. The entropy of stationary processes has important applications in the theory of dynamical systems.

If $ \mu $and $ \nu $are two measures on a measurable space $ ( \Omega , \mathfrak A ) $and if $ \mu $is absolutely continuous relative to $ \nu $and $ d \mu / d \nu $is the corresponding Radon–Nikodým derivative, then the entropy $ H ( d \mu / d \nu ) $of $ \mu $relative to $ \nu $is defined as the integral

$$ \tag{5 }H \left ( \frac{d \mu }{d \nu } \right ) = \int\limits _ \Omega \mathop{\rm log} \frac{d \mu }{d \nu } \nu ( d \omega ) .$$

A special case of the entropy of one measure with respect to another is the differential entropy.

Of the many possible generalizations of the concept of entropy in information theory one of the most important is the following. Let $ \xi $and $ \widetilde \xi $be two random variables taking values in certain measurable spaces $ ( \mathfrak X , S _ {\mathfrak X} ) $and $ ( \widetilde{\mathfrak X} , S _ {\widetilde{\mathfrak X} } ) $. Suppose that the distribution $ p ( \cdot ) $of $ \xi $is given and let $ W $be a class of admissible joint distributions of the pair $ ( \xi , \widetilde \xi ) $in the set of all probability measures in the product $ ( \mathfrak X \times \widetilde{\mathfrak X} , S _ {\mathfrak X} \times S _ {\widetilde{\mathfrak X} } ) $. Then the $ W $-entropy (or the entropy for a given condition $ W $of exactness of reproduction of information (cf. Information, exactness of reproducibility of)) is defined as the quantity

$$ \tag{6 }H _ {W} ( \xi ) = \inf I ( \xi , \widetilde \xi ) ,$$

where $ I ( \xi , \widetilde \xi ) $is the amount of information (cf. Information, amount of) in $ \widetilde \xi $given $ \xi $and the infimum is taken over all pairs of random variables $ ( \xi , \widetilde \xi ) $such that the joint distribution $ p ( \cdot , \cdot ) $of the pair $ ( \xi , \widetilde \xi ) $belongs to $ W $and $ \xi $has the distribution $ p ( \cdot ) $. The class $ W $of joint distributions $ p ( \cdot , \cdot ) $is often given by means of a certain non-negative measurable real-valued function $ \rho ( x , \widetilde{x} ) $, $ x \in X $, $ \widetilde{x} \in \widetilde{X} $, a measure of distortion, in the following manner:

$$ \tag{7 }W = \{ {p ( \cdot , \cdot ) } : {{\mathsf E} \rho ( \xi , \widetilde \xi ) \leq \epsilon } \},$$

where $ \epsilon > 0 $is fixed. In this case the quantity defined by (6), where $ W $is given by (7), is called the $ \epsilon $-entropy (or the rate as a function of the distortion) and is denoted by $ H _ \epsilon ( \xi ) $. For example, if $ \xi = ( \xi _ {1} \dots \xi _ {n} ) $is a Gaussian random vector with independent components, if $ {\mathsf E} \xi _ {k} = 0 $, $ k = 1 \dots n $, and if the function $ \rho ( x , \widetilde{x} ) $, $ x = ( x _ {1} \dots x _ {n} ) $, $ \widetilde{x} = ( \widetilde{x} _ {1} \dots \widetilde{x} _ {n} ) $, has the form

$$ \rho ( x , \widetilde{x} ) = \sum_{k=1} ^ { n } ( x _ {k} - \widetilde{x} _ {k} ) ^ {2} ,$$

then $ H _ \epsilon ( \xi ) $can be found by the formula

$$ H _ \epsilon ( \xi ) = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{k=1} ^ { n } { \mathop{\rm log} \max }\left ( \frac{ {\mathsf E} \xi _ {k} ^ {2} } \lambda , 1 \right ) ,$$

where $ \lambda $is defined by

$$ \sum_{k=1} ^ { n } \min ( \lambda , {\mathsf E} \xi _ {k} ^ {2} ) = \epsilon .$$

If $ \xi $is a discrete random variable, if $ ( \mathfrak X , S _ {\mathfrak X} ) $and $ ( \widetilde{\mathfrak X} , S _ \widetilde{ {\mathfrak X}} ) $are the same, and if $ \rho ( x , \widetilde{x} ) $has the form

$$ \rho ( x , \widetilde{x} ) = \left \{ \begin{array}{l}0 \ \textrm{ if } x = \widetilde{x} , \\1 \ \textrm{ if } x \neq \widetilde{x} , \end{array} \right .$$

then the $ \epsilon $-entropy for $ \epsilon = 0 $is equal to the ordinary entropy defined in (1), that is, $ H _ {0} ( \xi ) = H ( \xi ) $.


[1] C. Shannon, "A mathematical theory of communication" Bell System Techn. J. , 27 (1948) pp. 379–423; 623–656
[2] R.G. Gallager, "Information theory and reliable communication" , Wiley (1968)
[3] T. Berger, "Rate distortion theory" , Prentice-Hall (1971)
[4] P. Billingsley, "Ergodic theory and information" , Wiley (1956)


For entropy in the theory of dynamical systems, see Entropy theory of a dynamical system and Topological entropy.

How to Cite This Entry:
Entropy. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: http://encyclopediaofmath.org/index.php?title=Entropy&oldid=54887

This article was adapted from an original article by R.L. DobrushinV.V. Prelov (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article

Entropy - Encyclopedia of Mathematics (2024)


What is entropy in mathematics? ›

Entropy has relevance to other areas of mathematics such as combinatorics and machine learning. The definition can be derived from a set of axioms establishing that entropy should be a measure of how informative the average outcome of a variable is.

What is the intuition for entropy information theory? ›

The intuition for entropy is that it is the average number of bits required to represent or transmit an event drawn from the probability distribution for the random variable.

What is the interpretation of entropy? ›

In statistical mechanics, entropy is a measure of the number of ways a system can be arranged, often taken to be a measure of "disorder" (the higher the entropy, the higher the disorder).

What is the entropy of a dynamical system? ›

In this article, the word entropy is used exclusively to refer to the entropy of a dynamical system, i.e. a map or a flow. It measures the rate of increase in dynamical complexity as the system evolves with time. This is not to be confused with other notions of entropy connected with spatial complexity.

What is entropy for dummies? ›

What Is Entropy? Entropy is a measure of how much the atoms in a substance are free to spread out, move around, and arrange themselves in random ways. For instance, when a substance changes from a solid to a liquid, such as ice to water, the atoms in the substance get more freedom to move around.

Why is entropy confusing? ›

The concept of entropy can be very confusing — partly because there are actually different types. There's negative entropy, excess entropy, system entropy, total entropy, maximum entropy, and zero entropy -- just to name a few!

What is the paradox of entropy? ›

The classical Gibbs paradox concerns the entropy change upon mixing two gases. Whether an observer assigns an entropy increase to the process depends on their ability to distinguish the gases.

What does entropy tell us about the universe? ›

Clausius summarized the concept of entropy in simple terms: “The energy of the universe is constant. The entropy of the universe tends to a maximum.” The increase of disorder or entropy is what distinguishes the past from the future, giving a direction to time.

Who is the father of information theory entropy? ›

Claude Shannon (born April 30, 1916, Petoskey, Michigan, U.S.—died February 24, 2001, Medford, Massachusetts) was an American mathematician and electrical engineer who laid the theoretical foundations for digital circuits and information theory, a mathematical communication model.

What is entropy in simple words? ›

Entropy is the measure of the disorder of a system. It is an extensive property of a thermodynamic system, which means its value changes depending on the amount of matter that is present.

What is entropy in real life? ›

Entropy is a measure of the energy dispersal in the system. We see evidence that the universe tends toward highest entropy many places in our lives. A campfire is an example of entropy. The solid wood burns and becomes ash, smoke and gases, all of which spread energy outwards more easily than the solid fuel.

What is the philosophy of entropy? ›

The greater the entropy of system is, the greater the degree of disorder, chaos, and uncertainty of the system structure will be. Thus, in the most general sense, the entropy value is regarded as a measure of the disorder, chaos, and uncertainty of the system structure.

What is entropy in quantum mechanics? ›

Concept Of Quantum Entropy. In broad terms, the concept of Entropy is used to quantify the amount of randomness or uncertainty in the state of a system. There is not one, but a whole family of entropies, and some of them play key roles in different areas of quantum information theory.

What is the entropy of the universe at equilibrium? ›

The objects are at essentially the same temperature, Tsys ≈ Tsurr, and so the magnitudes of the entropy changes are essentially the same for both the system and the surroundings. In this case, the entropy change of the universe is zero, and the system is at equilibrium.

What is reversing entropy? ›

Negentropy is reverse entropy. It means things becoming more in order.

What is entropy in simplest terms? ›

broadly : the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system. 2. a. : the degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity. Entropy is the general trend of the universe toward death and disorder.

What is a simple definition of entropy? ›

Entropy is the measure of the disorder of a system. It is an extensive property of a thermodynamic system, which means its value changes depending on the amount of matter that is present.

What is an example of entropy? ›

A campfire is an example of entropy. The solid wood burns and becomes ash, smoke, and gases, all of which spread energy outward more easily than the solid fuel.

Is entropy good or bad? ›

Thermodynamic View: From a thermodynamic perspective, entropy is an inherent property of systems and it always increases in isolated systems over time (as per the second law). In this sense, one can argue that entropy is neither good nor bad, but simply a fundamental aspect of nature.


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